We are very excited to announce that the inaugural Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival in Hong Kong is going to be held on April 1st (Saturday) at the Singapore International School (Hong Kong). This is open to students in Hong Kong, ages 10 to 14.
We started this as a grassroots activity with a few like-minded friends -- Jian Shen (former Princeton University Math Club President who then roped in other mathematicians working in finance), Ken Shum. We all wondered what differences we can make for Hong Kong students who are new to this type of mathematics initiative. And the Julia Robinson Math Festival in Hong Kong seems perfectly in sync with the United States' 2017 National Math Festival, the grandest carnival in mathematics. We are delighted to receive full support from Mark Saul (Executive Director of Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival) and also local academics like Professor Tony Chan (HKUST President), sponsorship from the IEEE Information Theory Society and the Singapore International School (Hong Kong) whose vice-Principal Mr. Bernard Ng and I had a great time working together before.
We will have a number of math-lovers from the academia and industry who will facilitate at each table of math and to give out raffle tickets! The Algebra Game Project will of course have a table of its own for students to explore the mathematics behind the game. There are also mathematical origami, puzzles and many more that we are creating and preparing right now!
Stay tuned for April 1st! Here is the Festival poster:
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